Friday 15 May 2015

Diovan Side Effects

 Every medicine has their fair share of side effects. Although, it depends on how you minimize the effects of side effects and maximize the effectiveness of drugs. This is only possible when you consult with your doctor and follow his advice throughout your treatment. Here are some of side effects of Diovan that you should keep an eye on.

Side effects of diovan can be divided into two main categorizes
      Dangerous side effects
      Less serious side effects

Dangerous Side Effects

Seek immediate medical attention if one of those side effects starts to affect your health
·         Shortness of breath and chest pain
·         Significant reduction in frequency and amount of urine
·         Slow heart rate and pulse
·         Dizziness and fainting

When you take Diovan, you will feel the effects of dizziness because your body is not used to of the medicine. Although, if the condition persists for long and your condition goes from bad to worse, you should seek professional medical attention as soon as possible. More importantly, inform your doctor about the changes in urine pattern and slow heart beat and pulse rate because they can lay the platform for some serious medical complications.

Less Serious Side Effects

This category of side effects includes
·         Stuffy and runny nose
·         Fever
·         Sore throat
·         Sneezing
·         Muscle and joint pain
·         Itchiness and rashes
·         Blurred Vision

Most of the less serious side effects do not last for very long. If any of these symptoms lasts longer, then you should take them seriously.

What other drugs will affect Diovan?

Like many other medicines, Diovan also interacts with other medicines and chemicals. Other medicines can have a positive or negative impact on the overall health of the patient who is using Diovan. To know more about the effects of other medicines on Diovan, read on and find out.

Ace Inhibitors

Ace inhibitors such as Trimethorpirm, Sodium phosphate and lithium interact with Diovan. Medicines used to keep your blood pressure normal flushes out sodium from your kidneys but that effects the removal of lithium performed by your kidneys. Moreover, ace inhibitors will increase the amount of potassium in your body, which will slow down your heart rate, which is one of the major side effects of Diovan too.

Many other Ace inhibitors such as NSAID, Potassium preparations, Potassium Sparing Diuretic and Canaligflozin can react with Diovan too. Taking these ace inhibitors along with Diovan can create problems for the patient and reduces the effectiveness of medicine. Dizziness, headaches and blurred vision are common problems you will face if you take ace inhibitors along with Diovan.

Ace inhibitors like Potassium Sparing Diuretic and Canaligflozin will increase the level of potassium in blood and hampers the ability of the body to process potassium. This have a negative impact on your heart as it slows down the heart beat and pulse. Always consult with a medical practitioner or pharmacist before using these medicines. Talk to your doctor about protecting yourself from toxic effects of these medicines. Doctor can reduce the dose and recommend a better solution to this problem.

What Should I Know Regarding Pregnancy, Nursing and Administering Diovan to Children or the Elderly?

As most of the drugs have their side effects, therefore, they should be administered carefully by nursing staff. Here are a few guidelines about nursing and administration of Diovan to older or younger patients. You will also learn more about effects of Diovan on pregnant women after reading this article.

Pregnant and Breast Feeding Women

Whether you are planning to have a baby or is pregnant, you should not use Diovan because it can harm the fetus and create birth defects. The drug will directly affect the kidneys of new born babies and may lead to death of the new born baby in rare cases. Breastfeeding women should also stay away from Diovan because it can cause problems in excretion of human milk.

Administration and Nursing of Diovan

Extra safety measures needs to be taken when administering Diovan to children for less than 18 years old because the effects are still unknown. Diovan must be taken orally and it starts to show effects after 3 hours of intake. When administering Diovan, you must also consider the age and gender of the patient because the doses vary greatly with age and gender.

If you have a history of liver or kidney disease or is affected by kidney or liver problems currently, then you should avoid Diovan because it will make your condition worse instead of providing you relief. It can wreck havoc on the kidney functions USA coupons and hinder liver changing the dose in such patients can improve the condition of the patients.

Wednesday 13 May 2015

What Should I Avoid While Taking Diovan

Every medicine react differently in your body. Doctors prescribe medicines by analyzing patient conditions and consider the reactions a particular drug will have inside your body. Diovan is no exception either. There are few that you should avoid while taking Diovan because they lays a foundation for other health problems. To know more about such things and protect yourself from the side effects, continue reading.

Things to Avoid While Taking Diovan

To begin with, you should avoid alcohol at any cost. Alcohol will significantly lower your blood pressure and when you take Diovan and continue with your alcohol consumption, you will see a sharp decline in blood pressure levels. Moreover, alcohol intake will increase the risk of side effects and their severity. Smoking and drug abuse also have similar negative impact on your body.

Other things that you should avoid when taking Diovan includes salt substitutes and potassium supplements unless your doctor advice you to take potassium supplements. Never stand up suddenly from a sitting or laying position. The effects of dizziness will be more apparent on your body and you might lose the control over your body. This is very important because dizziness can lead to falls and injuries but you can prevent this by getting up slowly and steadily.

There are certain medical conditions and medicines that can create problems for Diovan users. Consult with a medical practitioner to know more about it and tell him or her about your condition of dizziness and low blood pressure.

What Happens if I Overdose?

As the saying goes, “Excess of everything is bad.” This fits perfectly on medications. Taking more dose than the prescribed limit will give rise to more health complications. Whether it is Diovan or any other medicines, you should never take overdose of any medicine.

Effects of Overdose

If you take more than prescribed level of Diovan, you will face some issues such as:
·         Slow heartbeat
·         Slow pulse rate
·         Feeling that you will die
·         Dizziness

These are only some of the negative implications of overdose of Diovan that you will have to deal with. There are many others but they vary with patient to patient. The severity of the symptoms also varies greatly among different patients. Most importantly, if you see any of the above-mentioned indication after an overdose of Diovan, you must seek professional medical attention without wasting any time.

When you take the overdose of Diovan, your blood pressure drops below the normal level and your pulse rate falls. Moreover, you will feel the effects of dizziness and tiredness in some cases too. Some patients have also complained about the feeling that they may pass out after taking an overdose of Diovan.

Avoid taking overdose of Diovan at all cost because like other medicines, it will do more harm than good. Follow the doctor’s instructions about the doses and timings of the dose. Never change the dose yourself without consulting with your doctor. Let the doctor decide which dose is perfect for you.

How should I take Diovan?

Overdose of any drug can be dangerous for health and Diovan is no exception. Medicines are only useful if they are taken according to the doctor’s advice. Failure to follow the doctor’s instruction when it comes to dosage or usage can have serious negative implications on your health. Here is brief guideline about how you should take Diovan.

Diovan should be taken by mouth and it is highly recommended to swallow it as a whole instead of breaking the capsule. For children who cannot swallow the capsule as a whole, you can give it in the form of syrup by using a special measuring spoon. Make sure you check your blood pressure regularly.

Never take larger or smaller dose of Diovan than the doctors prescribed limit. Never make changes in the dose yourself, always consult with your doctor and he approves the change in dose, then it is fine. You should keep patience and be consistent because Diovan takes time to show its effects. The time it take to bring your blood pressure to a stable level is somewhere around 1-3 weeks.

Although, Diovan will not completely uproot your high blood pressure problem but it will keep your blood pressure normal and prevent it from rising again. It acts slowly but it is very effective for hypertension and high blood pressure patients. Discuss with your doctor if you have kidney disease, liver disease or have any allergy because Diovan can cause problems for such patients.

Tuesday 12 May 2015

What happens if I miss a dose of Diovan

If you have taken any medicine in your life, which most of us has done, then you might be familiar with the importance of consistency and taking the right doses. If you are using Diovan to keep your blood pressure level under control, then you must not miss any dose of Diovan. It acts slowly, therefore, takes around couple of weeks to bring your blood pressure level down. Any interruption in doses will increase this time to four weeks.

What Happens if I Miss a Dose?

Although, you should never miss a dose of Diovan but if you forget to take the prescribed dose at its specified time, then you must take the missed dose as soon as you remember about it. If you remember to take the dose when your next dose is due, then skip the previous dose and continue with the current dose. Avoid taking overdose of Diovan to fill in the gaps for missed doses because it will cause some serious side effects and health problems in the future.

Talk to your doctor and tell him about your missed doses, he will recommend you a better solution to the problem. Missing a dose occasionally will not cause more issues but if this happens regularly, then it will significantly reduce the effectiveness of the drug. The best way to avoid missed doses is to include taking medicines into your daily routine. You will not miss any dose again.

List Diovan Side Effects by Likelihood and Severity

Modern drugs might be very effective in treating complicated health problems but they are not free from side effects. Same is the case with Diovan, which is a drug, used to treat high blood pressure and other heart problems.

Common Side Effects

Some of the most common side effects of Diovan are listed below:

·         Headache
·         Dizziness
·         Respiratory infection in throat
·         Stuffy or runny nose
·         Cough and sneezing
·         Swelling and itching
·         Blurred vision

Serious Side Effects

Diovan also have some serious side effects. If you see any of the following, seek professional medical attention immediately.

·         Shortness of breath
·         Muscle weakness
·         Less or no urination
·         Slow heart and pulse rate
·         Weight gain due to excessive swelling

Tell your doctor about any of these side effects so he can either reduce the dose or change the medicine. Not every drug suits every patient and these serious side effects normally pop up when Diovan is reacting negatively in your body. Diovan rarely cause allergic reactions such as itchiness and skin rashes but shortness of breath and dizziness are quite common side effects that most patients taking Diovan will have to deal with.

If you notice a significant reduction in urination, then you should seek medical attention quickly. Similarly, if you are feeling muscle pain or experiencing slow heart beat and pulse rate, you should tell your doctor about it. These side effects varies from patient to patient.

What Conditions Does Diovan Treat?

Diovan is one of the best medicines when it comes to treating high blood pressure and patients who have hypertension. Some of the conditions that Diovan treat are:

·         High blood pressure
·         Chronic heart failure
·         Left ventricle issues that leads to heart attack
·         Kidney diseases

High Blood Pressure

In most cases, Diovan is prescribed to patients who are affected by cardiac problems and fails to keep their blood pressure under control. It is more effective in preventing your blood pressure from rising. It relaxes the blood vessels and arteries and ensures smoother blood flow to different parts of the body.

Chronic Heart Failure and Heart Attack

What’s more, it is very useful in preventing both heart attack and heart failure. When your blood pressure remains under control, you are less vulnerable to heart attack and heart failure. By relaxing your hardened arteries, Diovan ensures better heart health. Diovan is also used to treat malfunctioning left ventricle of your heart. Problems in left ventricle have a strong connection with heart attacks. By using Diovan, you can easily fix this problem.

Kidney Disease

In addition to curing heart problems, Diovan is used to treat diabetes induced kidney disease. Moreover, it is also effective in dealing with non-diabetic USA coupon code protein uric nephropathy. The medicine must be used after consultation with doctor/ It safeguard your kidneys from damage and negative effects of diabetes. This make sure that your kidneys works properly, even if you are a diabetic.

Monday 11 May 2015

What is Diovan?

Heart diseases are one of the most common type of diseases that is affected the population of the world. If you are one of those who have a problem of high blood pressure due to hypertension then Diovan can come to your rescue. But, what exactly is Diovan and what it does? If you want to know more about Diovan, read on and find out.

 What is Diovan?

Diovan is basically a drug that lowers your blood pressure by preventing the hardening and narrowing of arteries and blood vessels. Furthermore, it improves blood flow by relaxing blood vessels. It is basically an angiotensin II receptor antagonist. Diovan can be given with other blood pressure controlling medicines but you must take the right dose otherwise you will have to bear the side effects.

It is one of the best options when it comes to preventing death from heart attacks. Doctors usually prescribe Diovan to heart patients, whose blood pressure usually remains on the higher side. It also saves heart patient from heart failure and reduces the risk of many other cardiovascular diseases in heart patients.

Consult with the doctor and use the medicine with doctor’s advice because it can also leads to skeletal muscles breakdown. If you are experience muscle pain after using the medicine, you should seek professional medical attention as soon as possible. Although, it is less dangerous than other medicines but if you are already affected by another disease such as diabetes, liver disease or kidney disease, you should not use Diovan without doctor’s permission.